Sunday, May 17, 2009

a very special wish to a very special person

my mom
  • is a wonderful mother, wife and friend
  • a great teacher especially in maths.. i can still remember she teached us maths when we were still school.. so garang at that time.. takutt woo.. tu dulu la skunk ni bile mengajo generasi adek2 ak ni.. dh tukar personaliti.. baik terlampau la plak.. dh tua katenyer.. iyo lah.. senang betoi adek2 ak nak skip class.. cm skolah tu mak diorng yg punyer.. dh bunda baek sgt.. its true..she's the goddess of kindness, saint of the gutter..hu2
no point nak describe panjang2 sbb pendek kata..she's everything.. yes ibu adalh segala-galanya.. terima kasih ibu atas jagaan dan didikan ibu..selamat hari ibu.. i love you..

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